The Kodansha Files

My blog, An Uncoventional Publisher focuses on new jobs for publishers in The Digital Age of Books.
As an aspiring publisher, I must understand traditional publishing and feel comfortable using new technologies. This reality mirrors that of today's publishing houses.That's why I believe my class assignment meshes perfectly with this blog.
Moreover, I think it's a great way to introduce Sailor Moon to unfamiliar consumers. If no one has ever heard of Kodansha Ltd, that's to be expected. Most readers have heard of Stephen King, but have no idea who his publisher is. On the other hand, if readers have never heard of Sailor Moon then that's a travesty. I'm introducing The Kodansha Files to do my homework and support Sailor Moon,
Look out for Kodansha Files first entry October 15. In the meantime, I'm asking readers to do at least one of these four things:
- Message me if you have any relevant links, tweets or articles OR
- If you don't think Sailor Moon makes a great e-book say it and support it OR
- If you think Sailor Moon makes a great e-book say it and support it OR
- Post an e-book fail or an e-book pass; I know they're out there.
Looking forward to seeing you on Oct.15,
Latesha Goodman
Author of An Unconventional Publisher Confesses
Disclaimer, if you don't feel comfortable with me including your real name let me know. This blog is attached to my public Wordpress blog; everything you say will be publicized. I don't mind someone disagreeing with my standpoint, I only ask for people to be respectful. I don't mind comments that have cursing, dirty jokes or graphic pictures. If you have examples that contain nudity that's fine too; if it's relevant then I'm on board. I only ask that your argument have validity and your comments aren't personal.
Just a little something to wet the pallet.
Join my on Oct.15
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