Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday - Got a Nook!

You will all be glad to know I did not have to fight anyone make my way to the sale e-readers at Best Buy on Black Friday. Out of the hundreds of shoppers I may have been the only person there for the $80 deal for the Nook Simple Touch. Regardless, after just one day of using it I can say I highly recommend this e-reader! It took about one minute to set up, it's light weight, has a two month battery and even though it's Wi-Fi only I think that will suffice.

I never thought I'd buy an e-reader but after trying out the ones in class I got curious and saw the appeal more and more. In fact, within the first 15 minutes of using my Nook I bought one $4 book and downloaded 3 samples of books (that I am fairly certain I will be buying as well). Now that I own an e-reader I see how this is just another avenue of book purchase. There are some books I still want in print and others I just want on my e-reader and I can already see that I will be buying more books this year than last.

We all have seen ads for e-readers saying the same things about e-ink screens, battery life and how many books they hold, however, there are other features and issues that I think are worth noting...

1. The Nook Simple Touch has an open book icon that, when not reading, always sits at the top lefthand side of the screen. Touching this icon automatically brings you back to the page you were last reading.

2. The touch screen is super fast, the keyboard lags just a little bit but not terribly.

3. I'm not totally sure, but it seems like the B&N store search saves all of my searches. It's not as if I'm searching for anything horrible but nonetheless, I would like the option of erasing the search cache.

4. Not a huge deal but there's no way to listen to books with this reader! Granted it was $80 so I still think it's worth keeping but there's no audiojack at all.

5. There are some instances where the previous screen doesn't fade away entirely and I can faintly see some lines. I haven't experienced this when reading books, only when performing actions such as going from the B&N shop to a book.

6. The shape/shell of the reader is very comfortable.

Extra tip- I went back and forth a lot in my choice between the new Kindle Touch 3G and the Nook Touch. If you have a smartphone, just tether your internet access and you'll have a hot spot to download books anytime. Afterall, how often are without our phones anyway? It will save you a lot of money and works just as well.


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