Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting the No out of Nook

In only minutes my mind was made and up I knew, the color Nook is not as cool as it sounds. If only e-ink screens could come in color. How is it possible that in all this time color hasn't been incorporated with non-backlit e-readers? (See examples of e-ink technology here.)

My experience with the color Nook confirmed my thoughts that any e-reader with apps and backlit screen is just not for me. To me and many others reading is almost sacred experience. What we read becomes a part of our lives one way or another. Having "extras" are simply distractions. Well, truly, they are further ways to get us to spend more money with our device. Additions such as games and email access interrupt my reading flow and strongly deduct from my reading experience.

Frankly, I don't see the appeal of e-reader magazines. It seems like on big, inconvenient way of looking at what would be better off as just a regular webpage. Let's face it, dragging the mouse to turn a page doesn't match up and I cannot stand the constant need to zoom in and drag entire content around.

I am a nighttime reader and I cannot see myself ever falling asleep reading with a brightly lit screen. I am not opposed to using e-readers and the new Kindle Touch is more along the lines of what I would purchase for myself and recommend to others.

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